Η ενδυματολόγος της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ αποκαλύπτει τα μυστικά γύρω από το dress code, την γκαρνταρόμπα και τις στιλιστικές επιλογές της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ.

Λίγοι άνθρωποι γνωρίζουν πώς είναι, πραγματικά, η ζωή στο εσωτερικό του παλατιού του Μπάκιγχαμ, και ακόμα λιγότεροι γνωρίζουν τι μπορεί να κρύβεται, και πώς διαμορφώνεται η γκαρνταρόμπα της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ.

Ένα νέο βιβλίο με τίτλο «The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrob» (Η άλλη πλευρά του νομίσματος: Η βασίλισσα, η ενδυματολόγος και η γκαρνταρόμπα), θα ανοίξει στους αναγνώστες ένα παράθυρο σε αυτόν τον κόσμο.

Η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ έχει δώσει την προσωπική άδειά της στην Άντζελα Κέλι, η οποία έχει υπηρετήσει ως επιμελήτρια γκαρνταρόμπας, εσωτερική σχεδιάστρια και έμπιστή της για 25 χρόνια, να γράψει ένα βιβλίο όχι μόνο για τη βασιλική μόδα, αλλά και για την εμπειρία της συνεργασίας και τον δεσμό φιλίας τους.

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Today, The Queen visited Haig Housing Trust to officially open their new housing development in Morden for armed forces veterans and the ex-service community. Her Majesty has been Patron of Haig Housing since 1952. The new development of almost 70 homes provides tailored accommodation for severely wounded and disabled veterans. During the visit, Her Majesty met families benefitting from the new facilities, as well as those involved in the design and construction of the new development. On arrival, The Queen was greeted by local schoolchildren and Haig Housing staff, before meeting residents whose new homes have been specially designed to meet their needs. Her Majesty then met the Bowman family in their new home, and heard from them about their experience within the accommodation so far. The Queen then visited a new block named in her honour, Queen Elizabeth Terrace, where she was presented with a posy. Before departing, The Queen met a group of veterans involved in last year’s Long Walk Home, which saw 100 veterans walk the 100 miles from Ypres to the Cenotaph to mark the centenary of the Armistice. The Queen met Royal Air Force veteran Ken Souter (picture 5), who joined squadron in 1940 and flew Hurricanes in North Africa. The Queen had recently sent him a birthday card to celebrate his 100th birthday, which he was holding when they met. Her Majesty finally unveiled a plaque to officially commemorate the opening of the new development. Haig Housing is the country’s largest military housing charity, with over 1,500 properties across the UK. The charity has been providing affordable rental accommodation to armed forces veterans and their families for over one hundred years. The trust was established as a memorial to Field Marshal Earl Haig, who championed veterans facing housing difficulties as they returned to civilian life. Haig Housing also offers the opportunity for the most seriously injured veterans to get onto the property ladder and become joint owners of homes that have been specially adapted to suit their needs. The Queen wore a cornflower blue outfit by Angela Kelly (previously worn on 14th February) and the Sapphire Chrysanthemum Brooch.

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On 24th June 2015, Her Majesty The Queen attended a State Banquet in her honour at Bellevue Palace, the official residence of the President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, in Berlin. The Queen wore the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, Queen Victoria's Ruby Earrings and Necklace, and Queen Victoria's Crown Ruby Brooch. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, with the President and his wife, greeted the guests to the State Banquet. These included German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband Joachim Sauer, Volkswagen Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn, German violinist Ann Sophie Mutter, US pianist Lambert Orkis, and various other leaders of politics, industry and the arts. During the banquet, The Queen gave a short speech highlighting the importance and benefits of cooperation between the UK and Germany. Her Majesty said: "In our lives, we have seen the worst but also the best of our continent. We have witnessed how quickly things can change for the better. But we know that we must work hard to maintain the benefits of the post-war world. We know that division in Europe is dangerous and that we must guard against it in the west, as well as in the east, of our continent. That remains a common endeavour". . Joachim Gauck said in his speech that Britain helped to establish democracy and the rule of law in western Germany after the war, and supported the German people during reunification. He also paid a personal tribute to The Queen: "None of this would have been possible without British-German reconciliation. That foes have become friends is partly thanks to Your Majesty".

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Σύμφωνα με τον οίκο Harper Collins, είναι η πρώτη φορά που εργαζόμενη στη βασιλική οικογένεια του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου έλαβε τέτοια άδεια.

«Το βιβλίο τεκμηριώνει τη μοναδική σχέση συνεργασίας μεταξύ της Αυτού Μεγαλειότητας και της γυναίκας που ήταν προσωπική βοηθός της για περισσότερο από δύο δεκαετίες, την Άντζελα Κέλι», αναφέρει η Σαμάνθα Κόεν, πρώην βοηθός γραμματέα της βασίλισσας.

«Δίνει μια σπάνια εικόνα των απαιτήσεων του έργου υποστήριξης της βασίλισσας και προσφέρει στοιχεία για μια επιτυχημένη εργασιακή σχέση που χαρακτηρίζεται από χιούμορ, δημιουργικότητα, σκληρή δουλειά και αμοιβαία δέσμευση στην υπηρεσία και στο καθήκον.».

«Η Άντζελα είναι ταλαντούχα γυναίκα, η οποία έχει καταγράψει τις σημαντικές στιγμές της μακράς καριέρας της με τη βασίλισσα για να τη μοιραστεί μαζί μας» πρόσθεσε.

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Today, The Queen undertook a day of engagements in Cambridge. In the afternoon, Her Majesty, accompanied by The Duchess of Gloucester, Patron of Royal Papworth Hospital, visited the new hospital site. The Royal party toured the new building visiting the catheter laboratories and the critical care unit. They met recent transplant patients and consultants before unveiling a plaque to mark the formal opening of the hospital. Royal Papworth Hospital is the UK’s leading heart and lung hospital, treating more than 100,000 patients each year from across the UK. Since carrying out the UK’s first successful heart transplant in 1979, the hospital has established an international reputation for excellence in research and innovation. The new hospital includes five operating theatres, five catheter laboratories (for non-surgical procedures) and two hybrid theatres. There are about 300 beds for patients, including a 46-bed critical care unit, and most patients will have their own single, en-suite rooms. The Queen wore a hot pink silk coat and dress by Angela Kelly and The Singapore Peranakan Diamond Jubilee Brooch. Earlier, The Queen visited Queens’ College, of which she is Patroness, where she took lunch as a guest of the college and met staff and graduates (last slide).

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This morning, The Queen arrived in Cumbernauld on the Royal train. Local schoolchildren welcomed Her Majesty to North Lanarkshire at Croy Railway Station and gave her a bouquet of flowers. The Queen then moved to nearby Greenfaulds High School for her first engagement of this year's Holyrood Week. Her Majesty was met by the Lord Lieutenant of Dunbartonshire and the Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire before moving to the central atrium where she watched a Gaelic performance by senior pupils from the school. Greenfaulds High School is the centre for Gaelic medium education in the council area and currently has around 90 pupils studying the language. The school currently holds 1400 pupils from first to sixth year drawn mainly from six associated primary schools. The Queen was invited to view an exhibition and the headteacher, Mrs. Linda Park, together with local historians, explained the school’s history. Her Majesty met teachers and Service Staff and viewed a performance by North Lanarkshire Schools’ Pipe Band on the athletic track before presenting two Provost Community Recognition awards. Her Majesty then returned inside the school to the auditorium to watch a Gaelic poetry recital by a pupil from Condorrat Primary School. A Gaelic song was performed by pupils from East Dunbartonshire String Ensemble. The Queen presented awards to pupils and staff and unveiled a plaque to mark the visit. Before departing, Her Majesty received a second posy. The Queen wore a primrose yellow outfit and matching hat by Angela Kelly with Queen Victoria's Bow Brooches. Later today, The Queen will attend the Ceremony of the Keys, which formally welcomes Her Majesty to the city of Edinburgh and marks the start of Holyrood Week.

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Η Άντζελα Κέλι έχει μιλήσει παλαιότερα για τη σχέση της με τη βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ, αλλά αρκετά αόριστα.

«Νομίζω ότι η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ εκτιμά τη γνώμη μου, αλλά είναι εκείνη που έχει τον έλεγχο, παίρνει, πάντα, την τελική απόφαση», δήλωσε στην Telegraph το 2007.

«Είμαστε δύο τυπικές γυναίκες, συζητάμε για ρούχα, μακιγιάζ, κοσμήματα και λέμε: ”Θα ταιριάζει αυτό το κόσμημα με αυτό το ρούχο;” και τέτοια πράγματα», σημείωσε.

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Wishing Her Majesty The Queen a very happy birthday today 🥂. 93 years old and still going strong! Fun facts about Her Majesty: 1. The Queen is free to travel in and out of country boarders without a passport. 2. Her Majesty owns all the sturgeons, whales, and dolphins in the UK waters. 3. The Queen once invented a new breed of dog called the 'dorgi' after mating her pet corgi with one of Princess Margaret's dachshunds. 4. The Queen is the only person in the UK who is allowed to drive without a number plate or a drivers license. 5. She is the only female member of The Royal Family to have entered the armed forces and is the only living head of state who served in World War II. 6. The Queen has visited 128 countries in 270 official visits. 7. Elizabeth first met Philip when she was 8 years old and he 13, at a wedding. 8. Her family called her "Lilibet" when she was young. It has also been reported that Philip refers to his wife as "Cabbage." 9. Her Majesty has sat for 129 official portraits during her reign. 10. According to her best friend Margaret Rhodes, every day The Queen has a gin and dubonnet before lunch with lemon and ice. With her lunch she enjoys a dry Martini and at the end of the day she will have a glass of champagne. 11. During the post-war austerity, The Queen collected clothing coupons for her wedding dress which she wore in 1947 when she married her third cousin Prince Philip. 12. During a tour of Australia in 1954, The Queen and her husband were caught having a row on one of their rest days. She was seen throwing a tennis shoe at The Duke as he stormed off out of their chalet. 13. She is woken up each morning by a bagpiper, who plays outside of her window for 15 minutes every morning at 9 am. 14. For the 2012 Olympics, The Queen (and her corgis!) made a cameo with James Bond. 15. The Queen has loved Welsh Corgis ever since she was young. She has owned over 30 of the dogs and even bred them herself. 16. Her Majesty uses her handbag as a way to signal to her staff when a meeting should end. 17. The Queen has an official "Poet Laureate", who writes poems for special royal events. The current Poet Laureate is Carol Ann Duffy.

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Στο νέο της βιβλίο, όμως, θα περιλαμβάνονται φωτογραφίες που δεν έχουν δημοσιευθεί μέχρι τώρα, καθώς και «γοητευτικά ανέκδοτα» για τη βασίλισσα, απαραίτητα για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για τη βρετανίδα μονάρχη ή για τις ενδυματολογικές της επιλογές.

«Είμαστε, εξαιρετικά, υπερήφανοι που είμαστε οι εκδότες του όμορφου βιβλίου της Άντζελα Κέλι. Αυτό το πρότζεκτ ήταν ένα έργο αγάπης για ολόκληρη ομάδα ανθρώπων στον HarperCollins. Η Άντζελα είναι μια αξιοθαύμαστη γυναίκα, και αυτό που θεωρώ, ιδιαίτερα, συναρπαστικό στη συνεργασία της με τη βασίλισσα – κάτι που αποκαλύφθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της διαδικασίας – είναι πόσα στοιχεία πρέπει να λάβει υπόψη η Άντζελα, όταν σχεδιάζει για την Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα», ανέφερε στο περιοδικό Town and Country η εκτελεστική διευθύντρια του τμήματος HarperNonFiction, Κάτια Σίπστερ.

Το βιβλίο «The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe» κυκλοφόρησε στις 29 Οκτωβρίου.

Διάβασε επίσης: Πού καταλήγουν τα ρούχα που πετάς;


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